The Most Important Brewturial You Will Ever Watch

Good Morning Readers,

I often scour the internet on a daily basis looking for videos or articles that I can suck a bit of information out of. Wednesday night, after getting home from work, I  stumbled across a TedxTalk about coffee while scrolling through my recommended Youtube videos. Often times I need to stop myself from doing this because I spend too much time sitting there looking and never find a productive video to watch. Last night was different. I stumbled upon a video titled:

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about coffee | Chandler Graf | TEDxACU

My immediate response was, “yeah… right. No way you can achieve this in fourteen and a half minutes. I’ve been learning about coffee for over a year now and there is still so much that I don’t know!”

Upon watching the video I realized something. Although that title may not necessarily be true to me, it is almost certainly true to others who may not be actively pursuing a passion for coffee. This is a video that I wish I’d watched at the beginning of my coffee journey. Chandler does an awesome job of touching on all of the most important aspects that go into a cup of coffee. Obviously, it’s impossible to talk about every single thing that affects the cup, but none of the main principles go unnoticed!

This video isn’t necessarily catering towards the experienced crowd of baristas, brewers, and roasters, but instead the coffee fan that appreciates what’s in their cup, but doesn’t know all too much about how it got there. I love this video because I look at it as an awesome way to introduce people to the science that is coffee. Many people never think about coffee in a sense that anything and everything can be manipulated. Most people will never taste a very vibrant, sweet, and flavorful cup of coffee. I think this monologue does an awesome job of being an introduction to coffee that provides just enough knowledge to the watcher that they have a basic understanding of the drink but leaves enough out that the first thing they want to do after watching is dive deeper. That’s exactly what I wanted to do when I finished watching! It plants the seed of interest, and I think this is such a powerful thing.

I’d encourage anyone reading this to share this video with friends or family that are coffee drinkers, but may not necessarily know the entire process of it getting to their cup. Allow this video to enlighten them on what coffee is really about and use it to introduce them to the art and science of coffee.

I hope you all enjoyed my take on this matter and of course, enjoyed the video. That’s all I’ve got for this week, but remember to look out for me next Thursday as we continue this journey together! As always, I appreciate you reading, and feel free to follow for email alerts of when I post!

  • Tyler Greene – The Greene Brew Blog


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