The Brew Begins

Good Morning Reader,

As I’m trying my best to focus this morning, it is clear to me how imperative my morning (cold) brew is to accomplish this feat. It seems that my spurts of high productivity and my most prolific hours come rarely unaccompanied by a cup full of beautifully extracted Kenyan AA beans, or whatever bean I’m feeling that morning. Whether it’s a freshly dripped cup of pour-over coffee or a jar of cold brew that I’d kept steeping in the fridge for the last 24 hours, I rarely go a day without indulging in the new generation’s idea of liquid gold. It’s not to say I can’t get going and check off any boxes on my daily to-do list without that cup o’ Joe, it just makes it a little bit more enjoyable.

The kick that coffee gives me in the morning is one reason that I am such a connoisseur, but what really keeps me coming back day after day has nothing to do with the caffeine content. It is why I am even writing this blog in the first place. The main reason I created the Greene Brew Blog simply has to do with my drive to manufacture the perfect coffee concoction. I have found a ceramic mug, the ideal canvas in which I paint morning after morning. Not using different colored oils and acrylics, but instead a water-based substance whose color differs only by tint.

A consistent black and brown liquid is what fills my cup, but the taste is what I’m after. A lack of bitterness and a subtle sweetness, combined with the lasting taste of grapefruit or cherry. Hints of cocoa or even tobacco might be what you’re after, that’s up to you and the bean. For me, it’s about developing a taste that I long for well after the cup is dry. Filling the room with an aroma that breaks borders and sends you across the world to the coffee farm itself. In the end, my goal of achieving the perfect cup of coffee is an unattainable one, but that won’t stop me from exploring and experimenting every single day until I get close. I’m in it for the experiences, the travels, and the people I might meet along the way, and I’d be honored to share those with you.

In the future, you can expect coffee brewing tutorials, bean and roaster reviews, coffee shop critiques, and even fresh cold brew delivered to your door (that’s a work in progress). I’d love it if you stuck around and joined me on this journey.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!

  • Tyler Greene

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